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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Finally... A Blog!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are pleased to announce that we now have a blog. You know what this means, right? No? Well, neither do we! We are just excited to have an opportunity to let people know who we really are and hopefully share some humorous stories and insight on what it is like to run a nonprofit theatre. Be prepared to share our struggles and successes, and most of all, get ready to be entertained!

Stay tuned....


brettcolby said...

Hey all!
I'm Brett, Algonquin Art's Development Director (don't be embarrassed if you don't know what my title means. I'm in charge of fund-and-friend-raising!)

This is the first time I'm ever writing on a blog, so I'm really nervous, but I'll get over that quickly.

Anyway, I won't ramble, just wanted to say hello! My email is if anyone needs to get a hold of me!

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