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Monday, February 7, 2011

Algonquin Offers Free Acting Outlet for Students

The first gathering of teen night at the Algonquin was a success...

Performing Arts Academy instructor, Mr. Ruben Nagy, and I (Ms. Julie) had the pleasure of meeting students on Friday, February 4th between ten and thirteen years of age. We opened the evening with fun warm up games, while also asking the students their purpose for taking the class. Some of the students said it was because a friend invited them, others said it was because it was a free class. All of the students were just looking for some fun and the chance to learn improv, even if it meant giving up a ski trip (which one student had done). Talk about dedication to the craft!

As an instructor, it was a pleasure to work with students who were not afraid to make choices in the classroom. This group really worked well with one another while also exploring their own ideas and thoughts of approaching the acting space. Mr. Ruben and I customized an improv class based on a specific social issue, peer pressure. We were able to demonstrate the negative and positive influence of peer pressure through the fun acting exercises. The scenes were playful and silly, leaving everyone feeling welcome, comfortable and safe. 

As promised, Mr. Ruben and I did not fail to provide tasty snacks; in fact the snacks became part of our motives in our improv activities, making it even more fun. Those two hours were worth every minute and I was so proud of all the students who came out and took a chance with TEEN NIGHT. Some of them knew one another but whether they did or didn’t, everyone walked out of that classroom having had made a friend. I have no doubt our friends will be back to join us for more improv on Friday, March 4th.

About FREE Teen Night & How to Join us for the Next Meeting
Join us for a fun night of Improv.  The teaching artists will customize an improv class based on social issues that are appropriate to class.  Students can explore any one of the following areas: character development, bullying, emotional violence, peer pressure, pros & cons of labels and making choices. We’ll provide improv fun that creates a positive influence while enjoying good company and tasty snacks.  Students can bring friends to join them, and you do not have to call to register; just show up. We will take attendance when students arrive.

Where: Algonquin Arts Theater (Dance Studio)
When:  First Friday of each month within Spring 2011 semester 
               (February 4th, March 4th, April 1st and May 6th)
Ages:    9 and up
Time:   7:00-9:00pm
Cost:    FREE!
Instructors: Ruben Nagy and Julie Nagy

Info contributed by: Julie Nagy, Director of Education


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